Second Result
Identification of 4 Professional Profiles in each region which will be impacted by the industrial change (Company Interviews). It is known that Industry 4.0 will revolutionize the tasks that us to be performed within companies. These new technologies entail the need for new, cutting-edge professional figures, but not only: the social problems linked to the loss of importance of traditional professions are not to be ignored. Therefore, the word “avant-garde” is accompanied by the word “reconversion”: it is important that the pre-existing personnel in the companies do not lose their jobs and that their usefulness is restored, reconverting them to tasks, in fact, at the forefront.
In the framework of the Mapping data and collection analysis, in this deliverable, after a brief introduction on industry 4.0 and its effects on work, company interviews done by each Future 4.0 Partner and a description of the followed methodology are reported. These interviews have been functional also for the identification of 4 main professional profiles most affected by Industry 4.0 affirmation.
The adoption of new technologies is a fundamental resource for a company, in order to be competitive. However, companies have to face with numerous organizational problems, as a highly flexible internal structure is needed, where the machines and workers find themselves carrying out increasingly difficult to predict jobs, which complicate both the programming of the machines is the management of the workers, as well as requiring more and more skills. Then, the state of the art of the gap between demand and supply in the world of work and the difficulties related to personnel management have been analysed, in particular the difficulties in finding skilled labour, in terms of skill gaps between demand and offer. In a second part they have been reported the answers concerning the Professional Profiles, obtained during the interviews that each partner has carried out in his own country.

Main results
The most important parameter influenced the Professional Skills in the last decades in the Adriatic Ionian area is the Labour market. Only in Puglia the Acceleration of technological progress had a greater influence. Moreover, for all the regions the rank-by-second parameter is the financial environment. The study of the enabling technologies by considering the Company perception is a fundamental analysis to the WP2. In fact, the final road map of the education, discussed in the next section, is developed by consider the result of this analysis. For every region and for every card game provided by the company the perception of the Professional skills required by the enabling technologies is extracted to be individually analysed. The result quantifies how in each region it is considered difficult to have the skills for each enabling technology. In particular the following Pie chart shows the complexity of the Professional Skills required for every enabling technology by expressing the results in percentage (if the values are high, the required skills are greater).