First Result
The analysis of all results carried out with the card games is performed by considering the Company size, the Type of production, the Geographic location and the Economic context with the goal of identifying the causes the t influences company’s perception.
Coherence analysis: relationship between used technologies and perception
The consistency of the card game is analysed considering the compatibility between the implemented technologies and the perception of the desirability expressed with the card game. Such a consistency is classified as “Good” “medium” and “low” for every company. The most desirable technologies result to be Cloud, Big data and Cyber security. In the following all the companies are classified on the base of the “good compatibility between the perception of the most useful technologies and those actually used”. Overall, the companies card game provides good and very good coherence.
The perception analysed considering the company size
The first comparison of the data is carried out considering the size of the companies. The parameters in common for all the large and very large companies are the need of Big Data and Cloud technologies. Such a result is predictable and coherent since large companies have to manage a large amount of data. In addition, the large companies have a medium coherence in the Card Game results. This indicates a medium knowledge of the technologies. The parameters in common for the medium companies are the need of Cloud and Cyber security technologies. In addition, the medium companies have a medium or good coherence in the Card Game results. Small companies have a very different perception. The parameter that unites them all is the desirability of Big Data, single parameter of the analysis with a small standard deviation. In addition, Small Companies have a medium coherence in the Card Game results. This indicates a medium knowledge of the technologies.

The perception analysed considering the type of production
Overall, the companies based on the Handcraft production of nautical typology have a similar desirability on all the technologies. Instead, it is worth noting that only the large companies prioritize the technologies of Cloud and Cyber security. Small and medium nautical companies use traditional and artisanal production processes. They do not perceive the potential of Advanced Manufacturing technology. The second set of companies regards the companies working on Shipping and transport. The most significant technology is considered the Cloud necessary to store all relevant information of a transport company. As was easily foreseeable, Advanced Manufacturing Solution is an undesirable technology for shipping and transport companies.
The perception analysed considering the Regional Context
The only really constant parameter in all the regions regards the Cloud technology that is considered indispensable.